I was reading a Daily Caller Article titled Rohrabacher, Rand Paul Met To Discuss Assange Giving Up WikiLeaks Source To US GovernmentĂ‚Â yesterday when I came across a bombshell quote. This article was full of big news as it pertained to Julian Assange and finding out the truth behind who gave the DNC’s emails to Wiki Leaks. Although the article had such big news the main story wasn’t what stuck out to me. What stuck out to me was one exclusive quoteĂ‚Â that was given to the Daily Caller from Rep. Dana Rohrabacher.
“Rand Paul says the president calls him every now and then. I wanted to make sure that when [Trump] calls him that [Paul] knew enough about the Julian Assange offer that I found something of value for the president to look at,” Rohrabacher told TheDC.
Now, I’m not surprised that Rand Paul and Trump talk on the phone but the way this read it seems that these phone calls might be pretty frequent. Since the article is focusing on a huge issue many people might just gaze over this bombshell quote. After watching Rand Paul and Donald Trump team up to destroy Obamacare through executive orders it is clear they have an extremelyĂ‚Â strong partnership behind the scenes.