Former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein claimed that the FBI raid of Trump’s lawyer Micheal Cohen was to scare the hell out of Donald Trump.
Veteran journalist Carl Bernstein said on Tuesday that President Trump “knows he’s trapped,” reacting to how the commander in chief is lashing out after the FBI raided the office, home, and hotel room of his personal attorney, Michael Cohen.
Furthermore, Bernstein said the raid was about “scaring the hell out of the president,” because Trump “knows better than anyone what he and his lawyer have discussed, communicated about it.”
“This investigation is closing in on him and the prosecutors in New York now have his lawyer’s computers and what is on them. That is a big fact here,” Bernstein said Tuesday on CNN.
He also commented on Trump’s consideration of firing Rod Rosenstein.
In light of the CNN report about Rosenstein, Bernstein said Trump is a “lawless president” determined to avoid accountability by trying to shut down special counsel investigation.
“We have a president of the United States willing to risk a constitutional crisis for this nation so he can avoid legitimate investigation and letting the facts roll out the way they ought to,” Bernstein said.
Now, this is absolutely ridiculous. It is clear that Carl Berstein is trying to use Trump to relive his glory days of taking down Nixon. President Trump has been caught doing nothing wrong and the raid of Cohen was clearly over the supposed payments to Stormy Daniels.
We can then move onto Rod Rosenstein. Trump has every right to have Rosenstein and he should. After Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself Rosenstein claimed he would make sure that Mueller doesn’t get out of hand and that he sticks to Russian meddling. Rosenstein has not lived up to that and should be fired.