Windham New Hampshire Auditors: “Fold Effect” Big Enough To Account For Discrepancies–Might Not Be All That Is Going On

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Massive update in the Windam, New Hampshire audit.

Earlier today, auditors in Windham, New Hampshire were testing if folds in ballots impacted the vote count machines would give back.

Now, we have this.

Windham auditors say that the fold effect might explain the discrepancies but there could be more going on.


UPDATE: 5:32 P.M.

UPDATE 6:28 P.M.

According to a report from The Gateway Pundit, this could affect the results of 4 states:

Jeff Silvestro is the President of LHS Associates, Inc.
LHS programs the voting machines in at least 4 New England States.

Silvestro has visited the audit multiple days since the recount and analysis.

If the machines are found unreliable this new evidence could affect elections in at least 4 New England states.

The Palmieri Report is a Pro-America News Outlet founded by Jacob Palmieri four years ago at the age of 19. Since its founding, it has gotten over 2M pages views and over 20k followers. The Palmieri Report is dedicated to giving people the truth so that they can form their own informed political opinions.

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