What Is Going On At Newsmax?

Since the 2020 election, Fox News has been under fire from Conservatives.

They have been rightfully upset over their election night coverage and that RINOs are spreading Fake News on the network.

Many Conservatives flocked to Newsmax.

However, it seems they might be going down the RINO path.

It started when they issued a vaccine mandate for their employees.

They lost one of their best hosts over this.

Newsmax Host Leaving After Not Complying With Vax Mandate

They also required a vaccine for their holiday reception.

Newsmax Requires Vax To Attend Holiday Reception

They then decided not to renew one of their best journalists Emerald Robinson.

Rumors have circulated that she was not renewed because she was tough on Joe Biden.

From Big League Politics:

Anonymous sources also indicated to Red State suspicions of Robinson also being targeted due to her refusal to be coerced into taking the Covid-19 shot and for her own personal opinions on the treatment in general.

Newsmax has in the past attempted to lie and deny that they are enacting a network-wide vaccine mandate, with some speculating a motive of damage-control through attempts to quell the anger of anti-mandate Americans that support the channel. These attempts at dishonesty were quickly exposed for what they were, even as recently as this month when Newsmax reporter Grant Stinchfield was barred from attending a network Christmas party because they chose to hold it at a venue where vaccine cards were required.

To further add insult to injury, Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy even wrote an op-ed in July that endlessly praised Joe Biden for “making a huge dent in the COVID pandemic.”

Then we have this.

They promoted this story bashing Tucker Carlson:

Newsmax has a lot of great hosts and I read their website daily.

However, none of what was mentioned above is a good thing and many Conservatives are now wondering what is going on at Newsmax.

The Palmieri Report is a Pro-America News Outlet founded by Jacob Palmieri. The Palmieri Report is dedicated to giving people the truth so that they can form their own informed political opinions. You can help us beat Big Tech by following us on GETTR , Telegram, and Rumble.


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