CNN got caught in a major lie over their story claiming that Cohen had proof Donald Trump knew about the Trump Jr. meeting.
Last week, CNN put Davis on the air with Anderson Cooper to deny that he was the source for that CNN story – a denial Cooper did not contest – but Davis now admits he was one of CNN’s sources, if not their main source.
Yet remarkably, CNN, in its July 26 story, specificaly claimed that Davis refused to talk to CNN about the story or provide any comment whatsoever:
Only one of two things can be true here, and either is extremely significant: (1) CNN deliberately lied to its audience about Davis refusing to comment on the story when, in fact, Davis was one of the anonymous sources on which the CNN report depended, and CNN claimed Davis refused to comment in order to hide Davis’ identity as one of their anonymous sources; or (2) Davis is lying now to BuzzFeed when he confessed to having been one of CNN’s sources for the story.
This shows a common theme amongst members of the Mainstream Media. They fully believe Trump committed crimes so accuracy matters little. As long as the report is anti-Trump they will release the report.
The overall report mentioned above was also debunked.