PEW! 5 M anchor babies currently in U.S

According to a study by Pew Research 5 Million anchor babies currently, reside in the U.S.


Most unauthorized immigrants live with spouses, partners, their children or other relatives. In 2016, 5.6 million children younger than 18 were living with unauthorized immigrant parents.5 Of these, 675,000 were unauthorized immigrants themselves, a number that has fallen by half since 2007. The other 5 million children were born in the U.S., a number that rose from 4.5 million in 2007. The number of U.S.-born children leveled off in recent years as births to unauthorized immigrants have dipped and an increasing number of children of unauthorized immigrants have aged into adulthood.

By 2016, 975,000 adult U.S.-born children of unauthorized immigrants were living with their parents. This total does not include U.S.-born children of unauthorized immigrants who live elsewhere.

Unauthorized immigrants lived in 5.2 million U.S. households in 2016 – about one in every 23 U.S. households, not much different from 2007. About 170,000 lived in group quarters such as college dormitories, hospitals and prisons.

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