As we reported earlier Donald Trump promised to release the JFK documents early Saturday morning.
Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 21, 2017
Now you would think this would be a bipartisan issue right? You would think that all American Citizens would want to know what happened to John F. Kennedy. Well, it seems even that might not be enough for the left.
It’s about time to open up Trump’s taxes!
— PORP (@TheOfficialPORP) October 21, 2017
This is yet another distraction, he’s hoping we will forget what he said to military families and Russia investigation. Not working.
— PORP (@TheOfficialPORP) October 21, 2017
Let’s open the border while we’re at it!
— PORP (@TheOfficialPORP) October 21, 2017
Transparency is key to trust. Trump is willing to show us old JFK files, so let’s see those tax returns. It’s the same logical step.
— PORP (@TheOfficialPORP) October 21, 2017
Let’s open the book on your businesses too Trump. You promised to divest and you haven’t. Let’s see some transparency in other areas please.
— PORP (@TheOfficialPORP) October 21, 2017
Let’s open everything. I like this idea. Trump: if we have the right to know about JFK files we have the right to know your likely conflicts
— PORP (@TheOfficialPORP) October 21, 2017
But wait there is more:
And will you spin it the way you want the narrative to go? I guess you will.
— (@IRdotnet) October 21, 2017
Can you also open up the UFO files, so we can finally see that our country is being run by a leader from a competing galaxy?
— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) October 21, 2017
There are reasons why the JFK files have been closed. I hope opening them isn’t like setting off a ticking time bomb.
— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) October 21, 2017
Will you also open the files on Trump/Russia?
— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) October 21, 2017
If you are so concerned with openness in our government, why don’t you release your tax returns as well, while you are at it?
— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) October 21, 2017
You are simply a hypocrite. America cares more about your tax returns than they do about the JFK files — an even that happened over 50 years ago!
— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) October 21, 2017
To me, this is just another diversion tactic. Let’s give the media as much stuff to go through as possible, so that when I’m busted for collusion, no one is paying attention!
— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) October 21, 2017
Yes, Ladies and Gentleman, this is real life. The Left is suffering from such severe Trump Derangement Syndrome that they can careless about what truly happened to JFK. If it turns out that JFK was killed by deep state members of our government the American people need to know and I promise you the reaction won’t be one the establishment likes.