A friend of Andrew Breitbart Larry O’Connor trashed Steve Bannon in an OP-ED for The Washington Times.
It’s a fascinating and somewhat problematic shift of message and brand for the man who defined the “drain the swamp†persona of the Trump campaign. After vowing to unseat Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader,  Bannon now agrees that maybe the  GOP establishment is just fine if it means keeping a majority.
The “mastermind†behind Trump’s victory (if you believe Bannon’s own self-serving press leaks) has had a change of heart, that’s for sure.
Establishment publications are already claiming victory for Bannon’s flip-flop and they deserve a little glee in witnessing their bete noire’s cummuppance. But the real danger for Bannon is not the victory he seems to have handed his opponents, it’s the question of his own political relevance.
If Steve Bannon doesn’t stand for “Burn the GOP establishment to the ground†anymore, then what does he stand for?
If he’s not essential in reshaping and purging the Republican Party on behalf of Donald Trump and Trumpism, then what is he useful for?
At this point, why does anyone need Steve Bannon?
This was a response to an interview he gave to the New York Times
“People are starting to realize that the anti-establishment thing is kind of a luxury we can’t afford right now,†said Stephen K. Bannon, the president’s former chief strategist who six months ago said it was his objective to see Mr. McConnell removed as the Senate Republican leader.
That effort has been put on hold. And Mr. Bannon’s rebellion has considerably smaller ambitions than it did six months ago, when he was trying to recruit challengers to every Republican incumbent senator up for re-election this year, with the exception of Ted Cruz of Texas.
Of those Mr. Bannon worked most closely with, just two are still running: Mr. McDaniel and Kelli Ward in Arizona, who is competing in a three-way primary for the seat that opened up after Senator Jeff Flake announced his retirement
This is another example of friends of Andrew Breitbart or at least former staffers of those who worked with him taking a shot at Steve Bannon. When Bannon took over after the death of Breitbart he took it in a much different direction and this did not sit well with some of Breitbart’s closest friends.