Report: Trump golf course income dropped around 67 M in 2017

According to Trump’s financials, he lost around 67 Million dollars in 2016 in income from his golf courses.


Though President Trump frequents his own Trump-branded golf courses regularly, taking foreign leaders onto the green and to the clubs for meals, the golf courses made him less money in his first year as President than before he took office.

Trump reported on his financial disclosure, filed with the US Office of Government Ethics and released Wednesday, that his golf-related revenue made him about $67 million less in 2017 in comparison with 2016 — a roughly 24% decrease.
Of the 17 golf companies listed on the filing, 14 of them saw losses from the previous year.
The President saw a 27% cut in his income from the Trump National Golf Course outside Washington, where he’s visited more than 20 times since taking office.
He took the biggest hit, a 35% drop, at the Trump National Doral golf course. Trump reported $115,865,590 last year and $74,755,375 in the most recent filing. The financial disclosure also reports mortgage loans of up to $75,000,000 for the Miami golf course.


In total Trump earned $214,702,692 from his golf course related businesses.

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