Report: African American support for Donald Trump has doubled since 2016

Recent polling has shown that African American support for Donald Trump has doubled.


Recent polling shows Donald Trump has gained massive ground with black voters.

The deepstate mainstream media wants you to believe that Trump is a racist, anyone who supports him is a racist and if you disagree with them, you are a racist.

The fact is, people are smarter than the media gives them credit for and they

There is a great divide between ‘what they want you to believe‘ vs ‘what is actually happening‘.

The bigger this gap gets, the easier it is for people to awaken from the media’s trance.

The Atlantic wrote that among black men, Trump’s

2017 average approval rating significantly exceeds his 2016 vote share…23 percent of black men approved of Trump’s performance versus 11 percent of black women

The score averages out to 17 percent, which is double the 8 percent he received from the 2016 exit polling.

This is a striking poll. Since the media continues to call Donald Trump a racist you would expect Trump to feel the effects of this in his popularity with African Americans. It seems it hasn’t worked. Since his election, Donald Trump has dropped African American unemployment to its lowest since the 1970’s and I’m sure this played a role in this poll. The media can manufacture a lot. What it can’t manufacture is reality. African Americans are beginning to realize the strength of Trump’s policies and how it helps people regardless of race.


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