Obama sought NSA intel on Trump campaign during 2016 election

According to a new report from Circa.com Obama sought unredacted NSA intel on Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election.

“During his final year in office, President Obama’s team significantly expanded efforts to search National Security Agency intercepts for information about Americans, distributing thousands of intelligence reports across government with the unredacted names of U.S. residents during the midst of a divisive 2016 presidential election”

“The data, made available this week by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, provides the clearest evidence to date of how information accidentally collected by the NSA overseas about Americans was subsequently searched and disseminated after President Obama loosened privacy protections to make such sharing easier in 2011 in the name of national security. A court affirmed his order.”

Circa was not done dropping bombs yet though

“The government in 2016 also scoured the actual contents of NSA intercepted calls and emails for 5,288 Americans, an increase of 13 percent over the prior year and a massive spike from the 198 names searched in 2013,” 

“The searches ultimately resulted in 3,134 NSA intelligence reports with unredacted U.S. names being distributed across government in 2016, and another 3,354 reports in 2015. About half the time, U.S. identities were unredacted in the original reports while the other half were unmasked after the fact by special request of Obama administration officials.”

Among the unredacted names were Trump campaign associates and members of congress.

According to Neema Singh Guliani the ACLU’s legislative counsel,

“I think it is alarming. There seems to be a universal trend toward more surveillance and more surveillance that impacts Americans’ privacy without obtaining a warrant,”

 “This data confirms that there is a lack of acknowledgment that information is being specifically and increasingly mined about Americans for investigations that have little or nothing to do with international terrorism.”

One U.S Offical listed in the Circa report showed how it was used a political weapon

“There is no doubt that there was a spike in the requests to search for Americans in the NSA database,”

“It’s simply easier for people to make requests. And while we have safeguards, there is always concern and vigilance about possible political or prurient motives that go beyond national security concerns.”

While the MSM continues to tout the evidenceless Russian narrative there is a major scandal forming over just how much the intelligence agencies were abused in an attempt to make sure Donald Trump didn’t get elected.

A complete overview of the scandal:

Video: Susan Rice won’t testify under oath. Here’s why she should be forced to





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