MAGA: Trump approval 7 points higher than Obamas at same time

    According to Rassmussen(most accurate poll during the 2016 election), Donald Trump’s approval rating is 7 points higher than Obamas was at the very same time during his Presidency.


    President Donald Trump’s approval rating is now higher than former President Barack Obama’s at this point in his presidency, according to the results of a daily poll released Tuesday.

    As of Tuesday, 50 percent of likely voters in the United States approved of Trump’s job performance, according to the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll. On this date during year two of Obama’s first term, 43 percent of likely voters approved of how the president was performing, the same poll found.

    Now, of course, this is just one poll. Of course, polls are not perfect but that doesn’t mean this shouldn’t be covered. Donald Trump has officially cut through the media’s bias, Russian Narrative and of course the deep state operations to take him out. This also shows us one more thing. Not only does this show that Tax Reform was a success but it also uncovers another thing no one is talking about. This Poll shows us just how much the Russian Narrative affected Trump early on. With it having crumbled right back into the lap of the Democrats we have seen Trump’s approval rating rise and I can only guess it will continue to do so.

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