Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers Releases Bombshell Analysis Of AZ Audit

The Arizona audit proved what many Americans had been saying about the 2020 election.

It was fraudulent.

The media couldn’t let that get out though.

They tried their best to spin the findings to make it seem like the Arizona audit proved Biden won the election.

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers released a summary from an unknown author exposing the truth about what the audit found.

Here it is:

From Wendy

Author unknown.

The Arizona Senate chose Cyber Ninjas, a Florida company owned by Doug Logan, to conduct a complete forensic audit of the Maricopa County 2020 election. This audit consisted of counting all 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County (the 4th largest county in all of the United States), forensically investigating the ballots themselves in addition to investigating the voting machines used in the election. The MSM’s sensational headlines about how Arizona’s forensic audit of Maricopa County found 360 more votes for Biden than Trump has captured headlines, and the story ends there for almost every article you read. What they fail to tell you is the real meat of the findings: over 57,000 fraudulent ballots!

MCTEC Deleted All Of The Election Files:

  • Fortunately, in the AZ Senate audit, a company by the name of CyFIR was contracted to investigate the hardware, machines, tabulators, etc used in the election.  CyFIR found and showed that the Maricopa County Recorder’s office actually deleted the entire 2020 General election results from their system the day before an audit and when the results were reinstalled on the system, approximately 269,000 ballot images were now corrupt and unreadable, in addition to approximately 30,000 missing ballots!
  • Link to 56 second video clip from Senate hearing 09 24 21 2:02:06 – 2:03:02
  • In addition, Patriots who had been recording and watching the publicly accessible cameras within the inside of this building were able to match time and date stamps of video with the time and date stamps of the deletions CyFIR found and actually have video that has positively identified three (3) individuals on a computer at that moment in the facility who could have deleted the election results!  This info has been passed to the Attorney General of Arizona Mark Brnovich for investigation and prosecution.  This is a crime and they must be held accountable.
  • Link to 89 second video clip from Senate hearing 09 24 21 1:58:55 – 2:00:24

Elections Machines Accessed The Internet:

Canvassing Revealed Up To 173,000 Missing Ballots In Maricopa County:

  • During the canvass, individuals were interviewed at their residence that were registered to vote in Maricopa County but whom the county did not record a vote.  Of those interviewed, 34.23% of these people said they had actually voted in the 2020 election.  34.23 % of these residents had voted, but no vote was ever registered or recorded for them.  Their vote was missing and not counted in the election…  When multiplying 34.23% by the number of registered Voters in Maricopa County that also show “not to have voted”, (505,709 people), there is a potential 173,000 missing Votes in Maricopa County alone!  Arizona has 14 other counties.
  • Link to the full 11-page Election 2020 Grassroots Canvass Report pdf document

Canvassing Revealed Over 96,000 Ghost Votes In Arizona:

  • In addition, the Canvass found that across the state of Arizona an estimated 96,389 mail-in votes were Ghost Votes!  These are votes that were cast under the names of registered voters who were either unknown to the residents of the registered address or who were verified as having moved away before October 2020.
  • Link to the full 11-page Election 2020 Grassroots Canvass Report pdf document

State Of Arizona Study Could Not Identify 58% Of Voters As Real Humans:

  • The State of Arizona, from July 3rd to Sept 4th, 2021, researched the voter identity of 673,560 registered AZ Voters and found that they could not identify 58% or 393,017 as being real human beings.
  • The State found these “people” could not be identified through either an Arizona MVD driver’s license search, nor could they be identified or found under a federal search with the last 4 numbers of their Social Security #, name and date of birth.
  • Link to Jim Hoft article September 19, 2021 – 58% NO MATCH FOUND in 673,000 Voter IDs

Democrats Themselves Testified That Voting Machines Are Not Secure:

The Palmieri Report is a Pro-America News Outlet founded by Jacob Palmieri. The Palmieri Report is dedicated to giving people the truth so that they can form their own informed political opinions. You can help us beat Big Tech by following us on GETTR , Telegram, and Rumble.


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