Ann Coulter: Trump’s ‘secret weapon’ is the building of his wall

In an interview with Breitbart News Ann Coulter claimed that Donald Trump’s secret weapon is the building of his Border Wall.


MARLOW: I think this is a total ticking time bomb here, that there’s no wall, there’s no plan for a wall, and I’m very disturbed by it because I think this puts the entire presidency in the balance if the wall does not get built. And there is no one taking it seriously, apparently not even in the White House at this point.

COULTER: No, I know. The original sin was Trump hiring all these establishment, swampy Never Trumper types. No, no one is there to tell him ‘Hey remember that promise you campaigned on and every single campaign rally with 10, 20, 30,000 people two or three times a day? Remember what chant they were saying? Was it ‘I will hire half of Goldman Sachs? No, it was not Mr. President.’ No, he has no one to tell him that. [Emphasis added]

I just wish Trump would realize, that of all secret weapons of our secret weapons of Donald Trump, if he’d build the wall, the media will go crazy, it will distract over everything, and his poll numbers will go through the roof. There’s a reason… we wanted the wall and that is so that all of us don’t have to be on constant, constant alert for the next wave of illegal, poverty-stricken, very needy, uneducated immigrants pouring across our border. [Emphasis added]

No, right now Breitbart has to kick into gear and Drudge has to kick into gear and I have to kick into gear and we have to tell the truth about what’s going on and demand information. No, we wanted to get back to our lives and not keep fighting each one of these onslaughts. [Emphasis added]

Trump has recently tweeted twice about the building of the border wall



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